since xin ni keep posting about her friends' birthday then now i post once of mine as well..hahaha....shuan ung's 21st birthday.for those who are still at KL and those missed out,here you have some of the pictures for his birthday party.
where we celebrated his birthday??!!!yet another time,another year,a 3 consecutive years of eating pizza for his,actually he planned to treat us some big and great meal(i wonder whether will it be great as i had my meal there?),SUSHI KING.any way,2 people who said they not joining us appeal to be there at last minute,so....over budget,change place loh..hehehe..changed to where?pizza hut.yeah..haha..
here are some of the picture for the day.
ung's hair so long d... shud hav a hair cut d la... haha...
its magician style..just ignore him...hehehe...
haha.... those 2 ppl u meant r ah guan n shirley arr?
or choon poh n sing hui?? hahhaha
u guess urself lah...hehehe
i guess guan and shirley.. muahaha.... not in kuching means no need to share present izzit?? haha...
nope woh...just got 1 guessed it half need lah...i collected enough money also liao..haha..
then no need for urs also loh...hehehe
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